Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Pink Dresses

Last Sunday Lilli was a little hesitant when I dropped her off for Children's Church. There were two other kids crying about being dropped off, and anytime other kids get upset she feels like she needs to get upset, too. So they let her pet one of the puppets and asked when her birthday was. When I told them she'd just had it they got all excited and told her they'd sing to her that morning and she would get $1 from the puppet. When we picked her back up she was as proud as a peacock with her $1 bill and was wearing it in the little pocket of her dress. I guess that was good wardrobe planning on my part!On our walk to Sunday School every morning we pass several large animals and she always has to stop and give them hugs. It's pretty hilarious. She also has to tell several of the animals on the wall Hello each week as well.
This dress is so stinking cute. However it's now much less cute because she got ink pen all of it at the grocery store in about 6 or 7 spots and I'm not having much luck getting it off. You can't really see it in the pictures though because it's just lots of little specks.

Heading back in. Every photo shoot, and most every other activity, is interrupted by trips to the potty.
Love this artsy shot.
A little stuck.
Just hanging out.
A windy day! She gets sour gummi worms for going potty and she'll keep them in her mouth forever just sucking on them.
Blowing bubbles from the big wand she got for Valentines Day from Brent.
Still hanging onto that Gummi.
Such a cute little dress. Hopefully some intense stain removal tactics will help restore it!!!

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