Sunday, February 27, 2011

Adventures in Pottyland

Our adventures in potty-land just keep on getting more and more exciting! She's using the potty probably about 50% of the time, some days more and some days less, both at home and school. Some days she wants to use it constantly and other not at all, so I don't think we'll be transitioned anytime soon but she definitely gets what she needs to be doing and can fully communicate it. Now it's just going to take time and a LOT of patience.

For the longest time she wouldn't even wear big girl undies, and now she has to change them out about every 15 minutes. I've gotten her several pairs that have some of her favorite things on them - elephants, Gabba Gabba, some Nemo ones from a coworker (one of VERY few people I would take hand-me-down undies from!), and some with owls on them. Hanes seems to be the best fitting brand, since she is SO tiny most of them are just enormous on her. Sour gummi worms and jellybeans are her big reward. And for some reason "two" is the magic number so we usually tear them in half and she thinks she's getting the world! Pippin is trying his best to help as well. Last Sunday afternoon (when all these pictures were taken) I was getting a Pull-Up for her after she had used her little potty and Pippin was in the room with us chewing on some of his toys. I heard him snorting around but when I turned around he was completely "cleaning" her potty for her. I'm pretty sure my screams could be heard in the entire Davidson County metro area. Nasty dog!!!!!
Today she used a public bathroom for the first time - twice! She wanted to go potty both before and after Sunday School. I am not loving that stage of training, but since we're out and about all the time at least we got some good practice in a much cleaner bathroom than a lot of stores and restaurants. She actually used the potty most of today - and didn't have any accidents from 4:30 until bedtime at 8!
Her legs are almost long enough to be able to pedal her tricycle. She's getting REALLY close!
But she's also just as happy pushing others along.
Silly kids.

Taking East Nashville by ATV storm.
Headed downtown.
And we don't always make it to the bathroom! Actually I think a few good accidents have made her much more aware of really listening to us when we tell her she needs to go.
And I'm pretty sure she'll kill Brent for that picture one day.

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