Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fun and Sunday Cute

Tonight we didn't do anything exciting. This week has been exciting enough with all its snow and resulting irritations. Brent brought home a pizza and we played around the house and did some cleaning for a small dinner party we're having tomorrow night. I've never found cleaning a toilet to be particularly exciting but Lilli was mesmerized.

Last Friday night we did go out. We had dinner at Panda Express and then hit up Michaels for some Valentines arts and crafts stuff. They've got tons of things for $1-$3 and most of it was already 40% off.Lilli loves the giant bins of animals.
Then we went to the Petsmart in the same shopping center. She LOVES chasing the fish around. She loves them so much we thought about buying a small tank and a couple of goldfish, but the guy working the fish section was such an absolute jerk when I was asking questions that I decided they didn't deserve my hard earned money.
So after she scared the fish and birds for a while I took her into the cat room so she could scream at them before we came home.
Lilli has two little Valentines dresses this year. This is a Havenbaby dress I got as a sample in Atlanta last summer. I paid $7.50 for it and the final dress they produced is for sale online for $42! The final copy has a black heart instead and is just slightly different, so hers is truly one of a kind!
This looks like a teenage face in the making!
She also moved up to the 2 yr old class at church last Sunday. She did great, marched right in and started working puzzles and never even told us Good-bye. They colored and her teacher said she did the best job at staying in the lines, woo hoo! And they said she was really independent and did a great job in class that morning without really needing any special attention for being new. Yeah!

"Cheese" Face!

We're looking forward to a great, warmer weekend and especially to having a few friend over tomorrow night. I'm planning to do the Sandra Lee Valentines dinner from her magazine - fondues, stuffed pork tenderloin, green beans and mashed potatoes! It should be lots of fun and I'm also looking forward to Lilli having a little friend to jump with in her jumpy and give us a break!

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