Sunday, February 13, 2011

Country Music Hall of Fame!

We've had another great weekend, full of all kinds of fun things including a fun little dinner party at our house last night to celebrate Valentines. But I'm still over a week behind on our blog so all of this is actually from last Saturday the 5th.

We saw on the news that morning that the Country Music Hall of Fame was having a free day thanks to Ford and since we didn't have anything planned and it was FRIGID outside we decided to check it out. Of course Lilli was game, anytime you ask her "Do you want to go to" she says YES! before you can even finish the sentence. I think Pippin taught her that one.

And since she has a great pair of cowboy boots I got for $2.50 at a consignment sale, I knew just what direction to take her outfit! She added the beads, ALL of them, and the giant flower bow. She loves to accessorize, but I think we need to work on just having ONE statement piece.Best picture we got of her full ensemble and of course she's picking her nose. Figures.
Since it was so cold we tried to find the closest, cheapest parking. If it was a little warmer we would've used one of our free spots a little further out but it was SO insanely cold and windy.
Minnie Pearl was inside greeting everyone and Lilli immediately took to her and wanted to show off all her necklaces.
This was about the best we got of the two of them, Lilli was way more interested in Minnie's outfit and her own beads to really look.
The entire time we were there Lilli was quite the little star. We had about a million people stop us and tell us about how when their kids were little they'd get all dressed up, or people would just stop and want to talk to her. At one point she was playing with one of the touch screen exhibits and they sent over the museum photographer to photograph her. Who knows, maybe sometime soon she and I will be on some of the marketing pieces! She for sure enjoyed looking at some of the sparkly outfits!
The museum is 3 stories, you start at the top with the special exhibit (Tammy Wynnette) and then there's a history of country music with all kinds of records, listening stations, guitars, clothing, etc. The second floor had another special exhibit on the Hank Williams family along with more recent memorabilia. They also had a coloring station for kids, and lots of touch screen exhibits Lilli enjoyed.
This old car of Elvis' was really cool. It had a black and white TV with a big rabbit ear in the back seat. Hilarious.
When we got there, there was no line. By the time we were heading back to the ground floor the line literally stretched all the way across the bottom floor to the door. Crazy!!! Streetcorner Symphony was doing a free performance at 12:15, but we were done with the museum at 11:45 and headed out from there.
We walked up the street and tried the new Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville restaurant since we were enjoying the morning as tourists. It was good, but WICKED overpriced, nowhere near what it's worth, but it is totally a tourist trap and we had a great time. Every once in a while you just have to play tourist and enjoy the day!
Poor Lilli was ZONKED out when we left. She wasn't really acting tired, but we hadn't even been in the car three minutes before she was completely passed out. We love Free Days!

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