Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Big 2: Playtime

These pictures don't really fit into any certain category, but they were just too cute not to share. I think the best thing about a house party is all the fresh toys the kids get to play with!

Rachel really enjoyed pushing the grocery cart around!Levi bonded with the horse. The irony here is that he gave Lilli that for her first birthday last year.
Brent was there!!! I asked Adam to also take a few pictures, and so I do have proof that Brent was there. Thanks for the pictures Adam!!!
The slide was a major source of entertainment for most of the group, especially the larger boys - Taylor, Micah and Tristan. It's really a pretty small slide and I'm pretty confident they greatly exceeded the age and weight requirements, HA! I guess it just provided that sense of danger boys need.
Levi chewing on a party horn....
Lilli and my Dad hanging out in the kitchen, talking about something.
Micah loved our "back door" bathroom. It is quite the party hit. That part of the house probably used to be a covered back porch and was then converted into a bathroom as part of the house, hence the weird door with a window in it.
Rachel still loving the grocery cart. I guarantee if she owned it she would never play with it, just as Lilli has never even touched it since we brought it home from Target.
More slide shenanigans.
Liam pushing the baby stroller....he didn't feel well at all and left Lilli an Elmo book and his bad cold, which Brent and I have also shared in. She was actually pretty sick the latter half of last week and the early part of the weekend.
Future Musician??? Kairo breaking it down on the keyboard and microphone.

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