Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Levi!

Lilli's friend Levi turned one this week! It seems like just the other day that we took Lilli to meet him, that we partied together and of course celebrated Lilli's birthday! With a nice summer birthday Levi is guaranteed pool parties for years to come, starting with this year. And MAN, it was hot today and a GREAT day for it.

First we played inside for a while, then ate some lunch, and then all the kiddos suited up to play in the kiddie pools. Lilli was the only little girl there, with about 5 other little BOYS to play with! They had two kiddie pools set up, one down below the deck and one on the shade in the deck. In this one Lilli was watching the boys splash around! So cute!!!First she and a younger little boy splashed around....
Then Levi got his cake. The other hand is his big brother Micah. I think Levi's in for a lifetime of having a bigger hand in his cakes!
Mmmm, cake!
The proud parents watching him enjoy his cake!
He had NO problem knowing what to do! And he's only got 1 tooth!
Lilli and one of the older boys also had a big time splashing around....
They would fling water on each other and just lauuuugh.
She was flirting with him big time!

Then we all had cake. Lilli LOVES cake. As in fork in each hand loving some cake.
She made a mess and got cake everywhere!

Great cake! Great party!
Before we left we wanted a picture of the two kiddos together. Photographing 1 year olds is pretty much impossible!
This was as good as it got! Probably not bad considering how tired all the kiddos were at this point. Lilli did GREAT - this was about 1.5 hours after she normally goes down for a nap, and she could've kept playing all day and was in a great mood.
Happy Birthday Levi! I can't believe how big all our little friends are getting!

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