Thursday, December 1, 2011

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

Almost two weeks ago I had a mid-day appointment to get my hair cut and colored up, and since it was a gorgeous day Brent and Lil got the bikes out for one last ride before they get banished down to the cellar and out of our way for the winter.

Safety first.Cheese!!!
She loooves to ride.
They went all the way out the Greenway to the bridge that takes you over the river to the OpryMills side. I think it was about 10 miles round trip and she was pretty unimpressed with the river. She does see it twice daily going back and forth to daycare.
I think spending some time on the playground on the way back through was probably a lot more impressive.
Since this is pretty self explanatory Brent would probably want me to point out again that they rode 10 miles. That really doesn't impress me all that much, but he's mentioned it a couple of times while he saw me working on this post. I'll throw in that he was pretty whiny and sore the next day about it.
Loves to swing. Perhaps she has a future in Cirque de Soleil?
After the cold, gloom and fog we've had all week it would be really nice to have a few mild days like this again!

We've got a packed weekend, we just told her tonight that we're going to "Bounce with Santa" tomorrow night, something that church is doing with the kids at a bouncy place tomorrow night. Then we have a class Ugly Christmas Sweater party on Saturday night that should also be lots of fun. And hopefully somewhere along the line we'll have a chance to get our Christmas tree. We put up one of our fake one in Lilli's room this week, a 7 foot one that we put my Hallmark Disney ornaments and her ornaments on. She loves it and gets to sleep with the lights on (until we go to bed) if she listens and behaves all night. Tis the Season!

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