Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide 2011

We've had lots of inquisitions lately from the fam about what to get us for Christmas this year, so here's our holiday Gift Guide -

Lilli - She's the easy one to shop for. However, if it's large, noisy, or something she already has 15 of (baby dolls) it's going to Goodwill.

Barbies and Ken - She's just getting into that, so we don't have a lot of them. However, Santa has probably already gotten her several Barbies. She could use more Barbie clothes, the Barbie cars, and a Ken. We don't have any Kens. An organizer like this or like this would be great for storing them and keeping everything neat and organized. Her room is about to get majorly cleaned out and organized because it's overflowing with The Junk and The Never Plays With It.
Tennis Shoes - Size 7, good ones that she can wear to school and run and jump and be wild in. Size 2T Socks. Her feet practically skipped over size 6, so I don't have a ton of everyday shoes for her for this winter right now (although she has plenty of dress shoes and she won't wear boots.) Winter Gloves would also be good (even thought I'm about 100% she won't wear them).

Puzzles and Games - She's good with the 24 piece ones right now. There's also a lot of games she's probably almost big enough for - we already have Memory, Candyland and Chutes and Ladders.

Anything Disney Princess-y. Ariel is her favorite.

She's also into nail polish.

Train stuff, she always likes Thomas anything.

Arts and Crafts supplies. We have lots of markers and crayons and that sort of thing, but Michaels has great little crafts we can do together this winter. We also like any sort of "quiet" toys for church/air travel - both Walmart and Target carry little $1 Play Packs with a sheet of stickers, crayons and small coloring book. We also got her one of those little $1 books at Michaels where you color with the special marker and it makes the colors appear. We go through a lot of things like that, so we can always use more. Costco also has great large sticker books that last for a while - they're about $8-$10 but are really large and last us for several months.

Subscriptions to any of the little preschool magazines - she loves to get mail. I know National Geographic has some younger ones, as well as Highlights. I bet Disney even has something she would enjoy, and that's one she'd be getting for a full year and growing into.

Me -

I'd like a Shark Mop. I've always heard good things about them and I think with all our hardwood floors they'd work well.

More kitchen towels, the nice waffle-y ones in black or deep red like our walls. Or cream. I always like more silicone spatulas, we use them a ton.

A subscription to All You magazine, or to Family Fun magazine. Southern Living might also be nice.

Since our dress code at work got majorly changed, gift certificates for clothes would of course be great! Old Navy Jeans, Gap, Ann Taylor Loft, Express, any of those. And since I just got myself a new Kindle Fire gift cards for Amazon would also work well! Movie gift certificates would work for all of us since we do take her out now to the movies every few months.

I have a ridiculous quantity of jewelry, especially bracelets, rings, and earrings from all my trips to Market, but I can always use more of the extra long necklaces. This is just a link to the type of length - the longer ones that dress up a casual outfit. For some reason those are the ones that Lilli seems to break the most.

I could also use gloves. I don't have a clue where mine have all escaped to. You could probably ask Lilli about that one. I like tall boots and could always use more fun boots - size 7.

Disney Cruise Gift Certificates

A maid, a personal chef, a personal trainer and a nanny are also on my Wish List.

Brent -

(This is exactly what he's telling me)

A hat. A camouflage hat. Oh wait, I've got that.

(Seriously just typing exactly what he says).

He would not feel comfortable with his mother buying him underwear, even though he REALLY does need underwear.

New tires.

An Ipad.

And then he followed it up with "I don't need anything at all".

He did fall in love with a $1,200 pair of shoes at Nordstroms.

For him I would throw in a personal handyman.

I will also add that if anyone gives him a flashlight it's going to Goodwill. We could run this house on nothing but flashlights for a month if we had batteries for all of them, which we don't.

He could use new clothes, gift cards for Express or Old Navy. A new jacket hoodie.

Don't worry if this didn't help you at all, I also have no clue what to get him. I'm not stressed about it yet because we have Amazon Prime so I can wait until December 22nd to decide.

Pippin -

He's the easy one. Rawhides. Treats. Peace and Quiet. A Warm Lap. A trash can full of dirty diapers. Easy access to Buzz Lightyear.

Buzz Lightyear -

Also pretty easy. Treats. Toys. A bed for the front porch (Santa will bring him this one). For someone to leave the door open so he could run in. A space heater. Less rain and cold. Shots and probably getting "fixed". Easy access to Pippin.

Hopefully this year's Gift Guide will help in some way, but if you're ever in doubt just give cash. We are planning to get a new freezer for the garage after the first of the year so that's our Christmas cash goal!

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