Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This year has been a year of Santa excitement! During my department's dirty Santa game I just knew I had to steal this blanket for Lilli. And I was so right! She loves it and sleeps under it every single night. Probably one of the best dirty Santa things I have ever ended up with!
She's also been really excited about our Advent calendar. Not so much as a countdown to Christmas, but as a daily piece of candy! Next year we will probably do more "Advent" type things, but we do play with her nativity toys a lot (I have a ton from work) and she's VERY fond of her What God Wants for Christmas toy. It's a great tool for telling the story of Christmas for little people.
About a week and a half ago Brent and I took some time off and went and did our Christmas shopping all day while Lil was in school. We covered a ton of ground and got most things crossed off, everything else has been arriving in stacks of boxes every day from Amazon! We finished up and picked Lilli up early from school so we could take her over to Bass Pro for their free Santa pic. We knew we needed to beat the rush, so we got there at 4:15 and people were starting to stream in. She was excited at first, but then started getting more apprehensive.
They give you this goofball pass, but they key is just to go and get in line. The pass means nothing. We were only in line about 15 minutes but the line was getting very long behind us as people came in after work. I tried to give her a pep talk, and so did the little girl in front of us, but the more she thought about it the shyer she got.
And this is how our picture turned out. Whining.

Right afterwards I picked her up and she was more than happy to talk to him as long as I was holding her. She told him she wanted a "pretend white dog" for Christmas. Thankfully that's been the story she has stuck to this whole time. I think Santa can easily manage that!
She even gave him a hug.

And a high five.
She was very excited to pet one of the "reindeer". And then about five seconds later she told me she wanted to sit in Santa's lap. Um, no. If we run into another Santa before Christmas we'll let her try again, but there was no way I was getting back in the now crazy line.
They have all kinds of toys for the kids to try out, and then of course the parents can buy them. Since most people were in the line for Santa she got to try several out.

They also have a free carousel we rode a half dozen times. They do know how to work it - fudge and popcorn were for sale RIGHT beside it.

Afterwards we went to Home Depot to get some poinsettas for my dining room table display. Home Depot has something for everyone!
She loves, loves, loves this stuff!
Finally all our presents are wrapped and I think I've got the last of the Christmas cards addressed and ready to go! It's finally time to enjoy the holiday season a little!

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