Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Donuts and Ornaments

About a week and a half ago our church had a Christmas donut breakfast at an old mansion in our neighborhood. The theme was donuts and PJs and that was super easy for us to get into!Lilli wore her Santa PJs (thanks Gymboree!) and of course picked out a heavily sprinkled donut. No surprise there!!
Some of the "girlies" in their PJs and slippers.
The slipper contest.
We were feeling so lazy we kept our PJs on most of the day. Lilli helped Brent clean off some old Christmas trees our new neighbor was getting out of the attic. They were covered in insulation but were otherwise really good trees.

Later that night we took her to Hallmark to pick out her annual ornament, and also get the "Baby's 3rd Christmas" one. She was wearing her cute little ornament skirt I bought off Etsy.
There were a lot for her to chose from, a ton of princess ones and other Disney characters she knows, as well as some from Dinosaur Train and then just other Santa, Rudolph and Frosty ones. It was hard to pick but she went for the Barbie in the pink evening gown.
And then "it" happened. She had a massive accident right there in the middle of Hallmark, leaving a giant puddle in the floor. I knew at some point something like this would happen, but since she's been potty trained since April she's never had a public accident, and rarely had them at home or school. We scooped her up and Brent took her to the bathroom to see what could be saved. Since she had a skirt and tights on, the tights were pretty much drenched but she was still able to keep her skirt and we keep extra clothes/undies in the car so we were able to just swap her out there and keep on with our evening. It did keep us from getting any additional pictures with her ornament choice for this year!
Oh well! Accidents will happen, and they might as well be in Hallmark, during the Christmas season.

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