Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lilli's Special Birthday Surprise

On the day after Lilli's birthday, January 25th, we had a BIG surprise planned for her.

First, she was having her "school" party, where the parents bring in cupcakes for the class afternoon snack and everyone sings to her and makes it her "special day". Her two best friends, Finn and Katherine, had just moved up to the next room and she got to have them back for her party. They were so excited to all be together! She has been missing them so much and has been telling us she's moving up to the next room, too. She actually is starting to transition over next week, and I know she is so ready.She got to help give out the plates and napkins to all her friends. I did buy some Ariel napkins for the party but then just sent leftover plates from last year's Baja party.
Some of the kiddos in her class.
She wore her new Ariel watch to school that day and she was so excited to show it to Katherine. We don't even have the right time set on it, she always says it's 8 o'clock anyway.
They finished up eating their cupcakes and I was pretty happy the kids wolfed down the strawberry brownie cupcakes. Most of them ate every single bite, except Lilli who ate one bite and was done. They finished just in time for me to let in the BIG surprise - Ariel and Rapunzel! This really wasn't something I planned to do, and came together in less than a week's time. Lilli had started mentioning something about Ariel ACTUALLY being at her party, and at first we tried explaining to her that Ariel had to be in the sea and all that, and then I thought why not have her at party? And do it at school for all the kids there to enjoy since I doubt Bounce U would have let us bring in anyone special. This one took a little convincing for me to get Brent's mind around it. He's totally right though - it completely wasn't necessary for her to have a special birthday, but it's just something I wanted to do for her. Who knows if any of us will even be around next year, and as long as we are kind and charitable to others (which we very much are), why not enjoy the fruits of our hard labor?

I hired Party Belles of Nashville, after getting quotes from several local companies. They're all about the same price, but they were so fast to respond, and I ended up getting two princesses for the price of one because they were both available. They do a lot of modeling and singing on the side, and are super talented and professional. Rapunzel is also a former Bob Barker Beauty from Price is Right. They were truly just great and I'd recommend them for anyone to use!

I wish you could have seen her face when they walked in! The buzz was already down the hall - the three year old room has front windows and saw them getting out of the car, which spread into excitement in the 4/5 year old rooms and all the kids were waiting in the door to watch them walk past. They walked into Lilli's room and asked where Lilli the Birthday Girl was and her jaw just DROPPED! She couldn't believe her beloved Ariel was actually there and there to see HER!
They talked to her and the kiddos for a few minutes, she showed them the classroom hamster (every room at her daycare has a pet - everything from fish to hamsters to bunnies to even a BIRD!), and told them about her birthday. At one point she also told them she had been bitten by a shark which is just hilarious. At no point has she ever even been close enough to a shark for that to happen!
Then the group huddled around and the older kids (who wanted to watch) were allowed to come in as well and the princesses performed. Ariel and Rapunzel each did a song, and then asked for a request for Lilli. Since we'd just seen Beauty and the Beast she asked for that song. They are great performers and did a fantastic job. The kids were totally mesmerized.

Then they taught them all a little princess dance where they curtsied and twirled and had a grand old time.
They also led them in the Hokey Pokey and took song requests from them. They all wanted to sing the ABC song. Hilarious!!!! Then they wanted Old McDonald. Oldies but Goodies.
Of course we wanted some good posed pictures!!
The boys wanted to show them all their favorite toys to play with. I was surprised how many of the boys knew who they were!
She got some special one on one time with Ariel. She was just in heaven!! It was so completely worth it.
Some of her classmates. The younger ones are just now two and have such a shorter attention span that they were wondering off. All the older kids were a lot more interested.
We printed this one and framed it on Lilli's wall so she could see herself with her favorite princesses every day!
The awesome thing is that these kids TRULY believed Ariel and Rapunzel were there. Not people in costumes, but TRULY the princesses were there with them. How cute is that???
Sweet hugs for her Ariel.
For some reason she started doing these crazy fish faces as they were leaving. Even though I know she was just being weird, I like to label this as my "I can't believe my mom got two princesses to come and visit me for my birthday!"
She stared and watched them until they had completely pulled away and left. Then she asked me if they were going to be at our house.
Such a special day and experience, and if we can I will totally do it again next year!

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