Shoe Shopping with Mom!
And subsequent visit to the "nekked people" statue....
Bugging the fire out of Brent at Noshville... (she had quite the delightful time making faces at the waiters and people sitting around us)
Which lead to a sleeping baby in the car on the way to Harris Teeter, yay! It was a **bit** past her bedtime...
Super thrilled to be stuck in her carseat at Home Depot...I needed to mow and Brent needed to get some more trim so she got to go out with Dad! Somehow though I don't see the diaper bag I made him take with him anywhere in the buggy, and I doubt he had a pink and brown bag on his shoulder?!?!?
Sunday night we decided we wanted some good German Gerst Haus. We always forget about it which is awful since it's only 1.5 miles away. We didn't let tornado sirens or impending weather stop us!
Actually, the majority of the storm went around downtown, as it usually does. Lilli enjoyed hanging in the high chair and throwing napkins in the floor and waving them around.
This time she discovered they're quite tasty so I ended up having to pick some wet napkin out of her mouth.
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