Luckily, Lilli had some visitors today. Grandma and Grandpa stopped in to visit Lilli on their way back from visiting cousins Cody and Kasey in Cincinnati. Lilli is always happy to see anyone bringing her presents!! And Pippin is just happy to see anyone.
Here's Lilli and Grandpa laughing about something.
And it looks like Grandma got the short end of the stick with the grandkids.
After Lilli woke up from her afternoon nap we decided we wanted to go out to eat and just get out of the house. So we bundled up (it was 22 at 5:30 when we left) and went out for Mexican. Lilli started reaching for my plate, and since we're trying to get her up to speed on table food I gave her some of my rice and cheese enchilada dinner.
This is her face after a bite:
I wish it wasn't blurry! Actually she really liked it and I ended up feeding her quite a few bites of it before she returned to being more interested in waving at a woman nearby. She is SO finicky with her table foods - one day she'll eat half an orange and then the next day want nothing of it. So, we offer her various things each day and I know it will eventually all sink in. That's how she was when she first started eating puffs - I think it took about 2-3 months (off and on) before she really ate one. If she ever takes a bite of something she usually likes it and wants more, but sometimes the hard thing is just sneaking it in!
Afterwards I still wasn't ready to go home, so we stopped at a coffee shop in our neighborhood. We had filled our "10 cups" card, so since this one was free Brent was easy to talk into stopping. I ended up with a Mexican Hot Chocolate and it was SO good - hot chocolate mixed with cayenne pepper and some other things to spice it up. We decided to drink most of it there which meant Lilli got to roam the coffee shop.
They have a nice, wide open lobby she could walk around in. Most of the people there were just individuals on their laptops, so she could wander around and really not be in anyone's way. Brent and I laughed on the way home how different our coffee shop experience is now. We used to go all the time and just sit back and relax, now we have to relax one at a time!
Tomorrow Lilli has a big day - tomorrow afternoon she's going to one of her friend's 2nd birthday party! It will be her first "little people" birthday party to attend, which will certainly put her in the mood for her own birthday later this month!
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