Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day from Lilli, aka Superbaby!
She woke us up bright and early at 6:15 am. Clearly she's waaaay too excited about the ribs hanging out in our fridge awaiting their final destination on our grill later tonight. What can you do but get up and start the day?? And hey, that's technically an extra hour and 18 minutes of sleep more than what I get on a normal Monday! So I guess in her mind I did get to sleep in today!

Since we were already up Brent made us some coffee and the 4 of us went out for about a mile or so walk. The neighborhood was so nice and quiet and I don't think we saw anyone else out walking so early. It was several blocks before we saw any cars! Even the neighborhood coffee joint at 11th only had a car or two outside. Then I finally got to finish working in my garden while Brent entertained Lilli (and Pippin). I've gotten all my veggies and herbs planted, and harvested the first round of my spring spinach crop. We'll be enjoying creamed spinach with our ribs later today!!

I brought Lilli in one of my first roses of the season.Which she promptly broke the stem, pulled the leaves off of, and then tried to eat. I guess we should feed her more often!
She is in loooove with Pippin these days. That crazy black and white member of the fam provides much entertainment for her. He was rolling in the floor so she wanted to be rolling on the floor, too. She finds him HIL-ARI-OUS. Lots of giggles and smiles are tossed Pippin's way these days, which he just eats up.Good times with big bro:

Have a great Memorial Day!

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