I really didn't plan much for us on the first day since our plane didn't land until a little after 4, and it takes forever to get all your luggage, rental car, etc. The only thing I had planned was dinner that night, so once we got our car we headed that direction.Lilli is still a pretty awful car rider. She was also pretty put out with being confined and really wanted to just RUN! It was absolutely pouring down rain so we pretty much didn't appreciate her lack of car riding skills as we tried to find the restaurant, and I kind of felt like it wasn't going to be much of a fun dinner since she was pretty rotten. Fritz's had been recommended in several of my travel guides as just being quirky and fun. It wasn't crowded at ALL, and it was in a weird residential part of town which surprised me. It's basically a little diner with a strange railroad kick - you order your food over these little phones at each table. Then your food is delivered overhead by a little train pulling a box with your dinner in it. It stops at the bay above your head, and this conveyor thing then drops it down to your table. Here's one of the boxes going around the track - this one is a blue and white box right above these people's heads. It's really hard to get a good picture of it! The food pretty much travels the whole room before it stops, and Lilli just LOVED it! She'd squeal and point and just watch it, I wish the restaurant had been busier! Here it is dropping down to someone's table. Here she is with the free little Fritz's railroad hat. Here's some video of how it works, but it's not a great one because it stopped at the wrong table and the food didn't lower! You can hear Lilli squealing in the background as it went past our table. But this gives you an idea of the concept.
The food was good, too! We got hamburgers and a hot dog for Lilli as well as chili and milkshakes and it was just over $20, so it's a great value if you're ever in the Kansas City area.
From there we headed to our hotel in Overland Park, Kansas. I had gotten a great deal on a Hyatt for Saturday and Sunday night. It was a pretty spacious room with a fairly large living room where we could put Lilli's Pack and Play and not totally be on top of each other. I also made sure to get us a room with a fridge so we could have milk for Lilli. Since she's lactose intolerant we really can't order milk for her at restaurants, so I wanted her to still be able to have milk during our travels, at least in the morning and evenings.
Our problem this vacation is that we need a toddler proof room because EVERYTHING was just amazing and exciting! Note that she has my phone, which she's also obsessed with. She's now sent several texts and even called a few people, so I usually have my phone locked so she can't dial out anymore. Nothing is off limits these days..... Who me, tired???? NEVER!! No sleep in Kansas!!!!!! It's really hard getting her to bed in a hotel room. This particular night it was around 10 before she went to bed (and normally she goes to sleep around 8-8:30). We finally had to stroll her up and down the hall in the stroller to get her to sleep, and she woke up numerous times that night and finally around 6 we just put her in bed with us. I'm not sure if she was just scared or thrown off or what, but it was an AWFUL night's sleep!
So that's it for Day 1! Day 2 was all about the Zoo, Art Museums, and Kansas City BBQ!
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